Facial Rejuvenation

Dr Sean Arendse A.K.C, B.Sc, (Lon) MBBS (HONS), FACEM

Dr Sean Arendse Dr Sean Arendse graduated from King College London in 1996 and has a background as an Emergency consultant and Director of Emergency Medicine Training at a major Melbourne Metropolitan hospital. For the past few years he has expanded into anti-aging medicine, and is a member of the Australasian Society of Cosmetic Medicine. He is an experienced injector whose special interests include the use of muscle relaxant injections and temporary dermal fillers for non-surgical full facial rejuvenation. Dr Arendse also specialises in the use of muscle relaxant technology for the treatment of hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)

Facial rejuvenation combines the benefits of wrinkle-relaxing injections and Dermal fillers to achieve a refreshed appearance, that rejuvenates and enhances your natural look.

Wrinkle-relaxing injections are used to relax specific facial muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles (these are formed during facial expression). Once the muscles are relaxed you cannot contact them and continue to make undesirable facial expressions. As a result the lines gradually smooth. The effect can last up to 4 months before lines slowly begin to return. If you have repeated treatments the effects may last longer.

Dermal fillers, in the form of a clear gel, are carefully injected beneath the skin’s surface to diminish the depth of facial folds and wrinkles, thus gently restore structure and volume to the skin and lips adding natural looking volume and resorting the youthful contours of your face.

For more comprehensive information on the procedures offered please call (03) 9534 8611 to arrange a FREE consultation with Dr Sean Arendse

Facial rejuvenation & dentistry

If you are considering cosmetic dental procedures and facial rejuvenation for a completely fresh look then it is recommended that you complete the dental procedures first and then proceed with the facial rejuvenation.

Also, note that it is best to not schedule general dental appointments in the 2 weeks after facial rejuvenation procedures.

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